PhD Student Award 2018
October 19, 2018
Innovation in Concrete Structures
and Cementitious Materials
Award Cerimony during the SAIE 2018 event (19 October, 2018).
As for the previous two editions, the III Edition of the PhD Student Award “Innovation in Concrete Structures and Cementitious Materials” aims at favoring the mutual understanding and cooperation between Research and Building Industry and Professions.
The initiative is organized by the ACI Italy Chapter and supported by Federbeton. It consists in the acknoledgment of the best three PhD theses about concrete structures and materials defended in 2016, 2017 and 2018.
Long abstracts were judged by a Scientific Committee and the accepted long abstracts are collected in a volume.
The III Edition of the PhD Student Award is dedicated to Prof. Giacomo Moriconi, recently deceased. Prof. Moriconi was a member of the Association Board, one of the most active counselors and promoter of this award, which is destinated for young researchers, therefore for those students to whom Prof. Moriconi has dedicated an important part of his life.
The award cerimony took place on October 19, 2018 at the SAIE of Bologna (Arena Federbeton Pad. 26 stand B24). Click here to read the program of the event.
Scientific Committee
- Prof.ssa Maria Antonietta Aiello – Università del Salento
- Prof. Luigi Coppola – Università di Bergamo – ACI Italy Chapter
- Prof.ssa Valeria Corinaldesi – Università Politecnica delle Marche
- Prof. Ciro Faella – Università di Salerno – ACI Italy Chapter
- Prof. Alessandro Pasquale Fantilli – Politecnico di Torino
- Eng. Michela Pola – Federbeton
- Marta Del Zoppo(Università di Napoli “Parthenope”)
- Mattia Santandrea(Università di Bologna)
- Davide Sirtoli(Università di Bergamo)
Special mentions
- Paolino Cassese(Università di Napoli “Federico II”)
- Bartolomeo Coppola(Università di Salerno)
- Andrea Gorino(Politecnico di Torino)
- Jihad Miah(Politecnico di Milanoe Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour)
- Antonio Mudadu(Università di Brescia)
Partecipants to the III Edition of PhD Student Award
- Vahid Afroughsabet – Politecnico di Milano, 30° Ciclo: Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering
- Francesco Cannella – Università di Palermo, 30° Ciclo: Civil, Environmental and Materials Engineering
- Paolino Cassese – Università di Napoli “Federico II”, 29° Ciclo: Structural, Geotechnical and Seismic Engineering
- Antonio Condello – Università della Calabria, 29° Ciclo: Science and Engineering of Environment, Construction and Energy
- Bartolomeo Coppola – Università di Salerno, 29° Ciclo: Chemical Engineering
- Marta Del Zoppo – Università di Napoli “Parthenope”, 30° Ciclo: Phenomena and Environmental Risk
- Roberto Falcone – Università di Salerno, 30° Ciclo: Risk and Sustainability in Civil, Building and Environmental Engineering Systems
- Marco Filippo Ferrotto – Università di Palermo, 30° Ciclo: Civil, Environmental and Materials Engineering
- Roberto Gentile – Politecnico di Bari, 30° Ciclo: Environmental and Building Risk
- Andrea Gorino – Politecnico di Torino, 29° Ciclo: Structural Engineering
- Marco Messina – Politecnico di Milano, 30° Ciclo: Materials Engineering
- Md Jihad Miah – Politecnico di Milano e Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour (Francia, Parigi, Ottobre 2017): Civil Engineering
- Andrea Miano – Università di Napoli “Federico II”, 30° Ciclo: Structural, Geotechnical and Seismic Engineering
- Linda Monfardini – Università di Brescia, 29° Ciclo: Civil and Environmental Engineering + Structural Rehabilitation of Historical and Modern Buildings
- Antonio Mudadu – Università di Brescia, 30° Ciclo: Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Francesca Roscini – 3a Università di Roma, 30° Ciclo: Civil Engineering
- Mattia Santandrea – Università di Bologna, 30° Ciclo: Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering
- Alice Sirico – Università di Parma, 29° Ciclo: Civil Engineering and Architecture
- Davide Sirtoli – Università di Bergamo, 30° Ciclo: Engineering and Applied Sciences
- Romeo Tomeo – Università di Napoli “Federico II”, 29° Ciclo: Structural, Geotecnical and Seismic Engineering
- Matteo Zerbin – Università di Ferrara, 29° Ciclo: Civil Engineering
- Martina Zorzoli – Università di Brescia, 30° Ciclo: Structural Rehabilitation of Historical and Modern Buildings