PhD Student Award 2021

November 24, 2021

Innovation in Concrete Structures
and Cementitious Materials

Award Cerimony during the MADE 2021 event (22-25 November, 2021).

As for the previous three editions, the IV Edition of the PhD Student Award “Innovation in Concrete Structures and Cementitious Materials” aims at favoring the mutual understanding and cooperation between Research and Building Industry and Professions.

The initiative is organized by the ACI Italy Chapter and supported by Federbeton. It consists in the acknoledgment of the best three PhD theses about concrete structures and materials defended in 2018, 2019 and 2020.

Long abstracts will be judged by a Scientific Committee and the accepted long abstracts will be collected in a volume.

Federbeton provides prizes of 1000€ for the best three thesis.

The award cerimony will take place in Milano Fiera during the MADE 2021 event (22-25 November, 2021). More details about the location will be soon available.

Scientific Committee

All the abstracts will be judget by a Scientific Commetee. The commetee members will be soon available.

Important Dates

  • Submission of title and (at least) 5 keywords: November 30, 2020January 09, 2021
  • Submission of long abstracts: January 15, 2021
  • Notification of Scientific Commettee comments: January 30, 2021
  • Final submission: February 15, 2021
  • Workshop: November 22-25, 2021

Awards Cerimony

Wednesday November 24th, in the Federbeton Area at Pad. 2 of the MADE EXPO in Milano-Rho (11:30 – 13:30), Federbeton and American Concrete Institute (Italy Chapter) have been together for the fourth edition of ACI-Federbeton Awards. The best PhD theses on the themes of innovation in the RC structures and cementitious materials have been awarded.

Click here to read the complete program of the event.
Click here to download the conference proceedings.


  • Dr. Eng. Denny Coffetti
  • Dr. Eng. Nataša Kalaba
  • Dr. Eng. Pietro Meriggi