NBSC 2022

September 8-9, 2022

Organized by:

The New Boundaries
of Structural Concrete 2022

September 8-9, 2022 – Department of Innovation Engineering
of the University of Salento, Lecce, Italy


In order to have your paper published in the Workshop Proceedings Volume and scheduled in the Workshop program, at least one Registration fee should be paid according to the following:

  • Registration regular (include the association to ACI Italy Chapter for the years 2022): 470,00 euro
  • ACI Italy Chapter Members: 400,00 euro
  • Student (BS, MS, PhD): 250,00 euro
  • Accompanying persons: 150,00 euro

Members of ACI Italy Chapter in compliance with the membership fee for 2022 will have a reduced fee for registration at the conference. The regular registration fee for the conference includes the association to ACI Italy Chapter for the year 2022.

You can pay your registration fee by bank transfer::
ACI Italy Chapter
Banca: Monte dei Paschi di Siena, filiale di Napoli, Agenzia 6
IBAN: IT70T0103003406000000935016
(CIN: T -ABI: 01030 – CAB: 03406 – C.C. n. 935016)
Reason: NBSC2022 – First Name, Last Name, Paper ID (if you are a presenter)