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NBSC 2019

September 19-20, 2019 – Milan, Italy

The New Boundaries of Structural Concrete 2019

September 19-20, 2019 – Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy

Registration fees

In order to have your paper published in the Workshop Proceedings Volume and scheduled in the Workshop program, at least one Registration fee should be paid according to the following:

  • Regular:
    • before June 30, 2019: 450,00 euro
    • after June 30, 2019: 500,00 euro
  • Regular ACI Italy Chapter Members:
    • 400,00 euro
  • Students:
    • before June 30, 2019: 250,00 euro
    • after June 30, 2019: 300,00 euro
  • Accompanying persons: 150,00 euro
  • Attendance for continuing education: 125,00 €/day (the National Council of Engineers, CNI, recognizes 3 CFP for each morning/afternoon of attendance, with a max of 12 CFP)

The registration fee is not refundable.

Regular fee covers:

  • Participation in all scientific sessions
  • Workshop Proceedings
  • Lunches and coffee breaks
  • Social dinner

The fee for accompanying persons covers coffee breaks, lunches and social dinner (NO attendance to sessions).

The fee for continuing education covers coffee breaks and lunches (the social dinner is NOT included).

In order to have your paper published in the Workshop Proceedings and scheduled in the Workshop Program, at least one registration fee (regular or ACI Italy Chapter Member) should be paid.

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