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July 13-15, 2022 – Milan, Italy

Fifteenth International Conference on

Recent Advances in Concrete Technology
and Sustainability Issues

In-Person July 13-15, 2022 – Milan, Italy


All those planning to attend SOCAC and RACTSI conferences (both speaker and listeners) must register and receive badges. Early and late registrations fees are offered as well as special student and accompanying people registration fees.

 SOCAC Conference (July 10-13, 2022)RACTSI Conference (July 13-15, 2022)Both conferences (July 10-15, 2022)
EARLY (by May 16, 2022)   
Full members550 €450 €800 €
Students400 €300 €600 €
Accompanying persons200 €150 €300 €
LATE (after May 16, 2022)   
Full members600 €500 €900 €
Students450 €350 €700 €
Accompanying persons250 €200 €400 €

The Organizing Committee decided to extend the early bird registration due to the Easter holidays and due to some problems with credit card payments (international circuits have suffered a few crashes in the last weeks). For this reason, for the moment, payment can only be made by bank transfer. Therefore, I invite you to check your personal or institutional bank account to see if the transaction was successfully completed. You will be contacted in the next few days by Valentina Trinchese of ACI Italy Chapter for all the details.

All registrations have to be made on-line.

Fees include:

– Participation in the scientific sessions

– Hard copy of the conference proceedings published as ACI Special Publication (Scopus indexed). The Supplementary Volume, on the other hand, will be available in electronic format.

  • Conference materials
  • Welcoming event on July 10, 2022
  • Exclusive Award banquet on July 13, 2022
  • Typical Italian “aperitivo” every evening
  • Lunches for the entire duration of the conference (excluding Friday)
  • Morning and afternoon coffee breaks for the entire duration of the conference

Please, remind that to have your paper published in the conference proceedings (ACI Special Publication or Supplementary Volume), at least one author must register for the conference
(1 SOCAC registration = 1 SOCAC paper, 1 RACTSI registration = 1 RACTSI paper, 1 registration for both conferences = 2 papers).

Evidence of student status (undergraduates, PhD students, junior research fellows) must be e-mailed to Conference Secretariat.

No special program will be organized for delegate companions. However, they are allowed to take part to the welcoming event, Italian “aperitivi” and Award banquet.

Participants are encouraged to take advantage of the discount rate, applicable only if both registration and payment are received by May 16, 2022.

Information on rules to entry into Italy can be found on the following website :

Visa application

Special letters of invitation to be used for visa application will be provided upon written request by the participant to the conference organizers. As the application for a visa may be a lengthly process, we recommend to start your visa application as soon as possible. Those attendees who need a visa are suggested to contact the Conference Secretariat indicating the following information: name, surname, date of birth, place of birth, nationality, titles (Ms., Mr., Dr., Prof.), affiliation, full postal address, passport number, issue and expiring dates of passport, date of arrival and departure. The Conference Organizing Committee is not able to contact Embassies in support of an individual attempting to gain entry to attend the conferences.